Lettre MODE, Novembre 2022
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source : Francisco Silva
liens : https://www.cmm.uchile.cl/?p=44496 https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/list/21325
The Center for Mathematical Modeling (CMM) of the University of Chile invites applications for several postdoctoral positions.
CMM is one of the leading mathematical research institutions in Latin America, developing both theoretical and applied lines of research. For more information on the center see: https://www.cmm.uchile.cl
Ideal candidates should show outstanding research potential and have interests aligned with the theoretical lines of research present at CMM. These are: Algorithms and Combinatorics, Mathematical Mechanics and Inverse Problems, Nonlinear Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis of PDEs, Optimization and Equilibrium, Probability and Ergodic Theory.
The positions are available for individuals who expect to obtain a PhD by the date of the appointment or are within the first five years after obtaining their PhD (with exceptions for maternity leave and other special circumstances). Spanish language skills are not required.
The duration of each position is one year, renewable for up to one additional year. The starting date is flexible, but preferably not later than November 2023. The positions are research positions and do not carry any teaching responsibilities (although teaching opportunities can be provided) and can be held either at the CMM’s base at the University of Chile or at one of the associated Chilean universities. The gross monthly salary is $2,000,000 CLP. Basic support for research activity is provided, including travel expenses. In addition, candidates can apply to government funding programs for further support.
Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae (including a list of publications) and a research statement, using the Application Form.
Applicants should also arrange for at least two letters of recommendation to be sent directly to postdocs2023@cmm.uchile.cl.
Applications need to be submitted by December 10, 2022.
CMM is committed to foster diversity at all levels. Applications from women and other STEM minority candidates are strongly encouraged. The center has a gender and diversity committee educating and training its members, promotes diversity in all its teams, and is dedicated to improving the work-life balance of its members, including access to parental leave.
source : Hasnaa Zidani
lien : https://www.dim.uchile.cl/en/research/
The Department of Mathematical Engineering (DIM) of the University of Chile is opening three (3) tenure-track positions in Mathematics at the Assistant Professor level, starting ideally during the second half of 2023.
Candidates should hold a Ph.D. degree at the date of appointment and are expected to present evidence of an outstanding research record and a strong commitment to excellence in teaching. Candidates working in all areas of Mathematics will be considered, but preference will be given to those whose research is related to current research areas at DIM (see the webpage https://www.dim.uchile.cl/en/research/). For one of the positions, the department will give priority to candidates doing research in the area of optimization.
Applications from all groups currently under-represented in academic posts are particularly encouraged. The department is strongly committed to improving its present gender balance, and particularly welcomes applications from women. In particular, at least one of the positions will be reserved for a female candidate.
Duties include a moderate teaching load of five (5) one-semester courses every two years at an undergraduate or graduate level.
The department is associated with the Center for Mathematical Modeling (CMM) of the University of Chile, which together with DIM constitutes a leading research pole for applied mathematics in Latin America. CMM conducts basic and applied research in mathematics and develops applied projects that employ mathematical modeling to solve problems in science, industry, and the public sector. DIM faculty have access to funding for scientific activities through CMM, and have the option of getting involved in and leading applied projects at the center.
source : Xavier Dupuis
lien : https://www.math.univ-toulouse.fr/fr/institut/actualites/4bc613f1-bcd7-4d85-8005-9eb18a827a0e/
En 2023, trois postes de professeurs seront ouverts à l’Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse https://www.math.univ-toulouse.fr/, par l’Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier, dont un PR 26 “Statistique, Optimisation”.
Plus de détails : https://www.math.univ-toulouse.fr/fr/institut/actualites/4bc613f1-bcd7-4d85-8005-9eb18a827a0e/
source : Victor Magron
lien : https://mois-optim.math.cnrs.fr/
Dans un objectif de diffusion des sciences auprès du grand public, le GDR MOA (Mathématiques de l’Optimisation et Applications, CNRS) propose un cycle de 4 conférences autour de la thématique « Optimisation », domaine des mathématiques cherchant à maximiser (ou à minimiser) un critère sous des contraintes. Le public visé est très large: étudiants de tout horizon (collège, lycée, supérieur), entreprises, ingénieurs, enseignants, chercheurs, citoyens curieux …
LES 10 – 17 – 24 NOVEMBRE 2022 ET 1ER DÉCEMBRE 2022 à l’ENSEEIHT (2 rue Charles Camichel, Toulouse), de 18h à 19h.
Inscription gratuite mais obligatoire. https://mois-optim.math.cnrs.fr/
source : PGMO
lien : https://www.fondation-hadamard.fr/fr/la-fmjh-soutient/recherche/home/pgmo-days/
The annual conference of the Gaspard Monge Program for Optimization and Operations Research and their interactions with Data Sciences, PGMODAYS 2022, will take place on
November 29th and 30th, 2022
At EDF Lab Paris Saclay
The program is available on: https://easychair.org/smart-program/PGMODAYS2022/
Registration is free of charge, but mandatory, please click on the link below to sign up and print your Ticket/Badges to PGMODAYS 2022: https://www.billetweb.fr/pgmodays-2022
The registration form requires you to declare, for each of the two days, whether you will attend the talks and whether you will participate in the buffet lunch. Please be so kind to fill the form accurately, to help us to size the lunches correctly.
In addition, there will be a celebration of the PGMO 10th anniversary on Tuesday 29, 19:00-21:45 in the Salon d’Honneur of The Ecole Polytechnique, with a cocktail. To participate in this event, you need to fill a specific registration form: https://www.billetweb.fr/pgmodays-2022-cocktail
The registration forms should be filled at the latest on November 23rd.
For more information, please refer to https://www.fondation-hadamard.fr/en/fmjh-supports/research/pgmohome/pgmodays/
Contact: pgmodays-coordination@fondation-hadamard.fr
source : Térence Bayen
lien : https://roadef2023.sciencesconf.org/
Rennes School of Business, en collaboration avec IMT Atlantique et l’Université Rennes 1, organise la 24ème édition du congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d’Aide à la Décision ROADEF 2023. Le comité d’organisation comprend des chercheurs de Rennes School of Business, de IMT Atlantique et de l’IGR-IAE (UMR CREM).
Le congrès de la ROADEF est la plus grande manifestation francophone qui vise à réunir les chercheurs issus de divers laboratoires d’Optimisation Combinatoire, de Recherche Opérationnelle et de génie industriel. L’objectif est de favoriser les échanges et les collaborations entre chercheurs et industriels, mais aussi de participer à la formation des jeunes chercheurs fortement encouragés à présenter leurs travaux.
Le programme scientifique comprend :
source : SMAI
SMAI2023, la 11ème biennale de SMAI se tiendra en Guadeloupe du 22 au 26 Mai 2023. Toutes les conférences plénières et les mini-symposia se tiendront sur place. Une retransmission par visio-conférence des conférences plénières est prévue, afin de permettre à celles et ceux qui ne peuvent ou ne souhaitent pas se rendre en Guadeloupe de suivre une partie du congrès à distance.
Les négociations avec les transporteurs aériens et les hôtels nous
permettent d’estimer le coût de participation à la conférence à 800
(transport)+800 (frais de séjour)= 1600 euros.
Ce chiffre sera comme d’habitude bien minoré pour les jeunes
chercheurs et jeunes chercheuses avec le dispositif de bourses
Afin de faciliter la venue des participants en termes d’hébergement et de transport aérien, il est demandé à ceux qui prévoient de participer au congrès en présentiel de remplir un formulaire de pré-inscription accessible via le lien suivant au plus tard le 15 décembre 2022. Les participants à distance seront recensés ultérieurement. https://forms.gle/U9GdiTH4zAMK2bxD8
source : SMAI
lien : https://focm2023.org
The Foundation of Computational Mathematics 2023 conference will take place in Paris, France, from June 12 to 21, 2023, at the International Conference Center of Sorbonne Université, Paris, France.
We hope that you will join this in-person event. Detailed information can be found on https://focm2023.org.
Opening of registration: November 7, 2022.
End of early bird registration: April 23, 2023.
Plenary lecturers for FoCM 2023 :
Workshops for FoCM 2023 :
Period I. - June 12, 13, 14
Multiresolution and Adaptivity in Numerical PDEs
Computational Number Theory
Graph Theory and Combinatorics
Computational Geometry and Topology
Geometric Integration and Computational Mechanics
Foundations of Data Assimilation and Inverse Problems
Stochastic Computation
Period II. - June 15, 16, 17
Computational Dynamics
Continuous Optimization
Real-Number Complexity
Foundations of Data Science and Machine Learning
Random Matrices
Computational Algebraic Geometry
Computational Harmonic Analysis and Data Science
Period III. - June 19, 20, 21
Numerical Linear Algebra
Approximation Theory
Computational Optimal Transport
Foundations of Numerical PDEs
Information-Based Complexity
Symbolic Analysis
Special Functions and Orthogonal Polynomials
The conference in Paris will be the ninth conference of the Society, following the meeting that gave birth to the idea of FoCM in Park City (1995), and 8 very successful meetings in Rio de Janeiro (1997), Oxford (1999), Minneapolis (2002), Santander (2005), Hong Kong (2008), Budapest (2011), Montevideo (2014) and Barcelona (2017). The conference in Vancouver planned for 2020 was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Each of the previous conferences had several hundred participants from all branches of mathematics that impinge on computation in the broadest sense.
FoCM conferences are usually organized as follows: mornings are devoted to plenary talks and afternoons to the workshops, which are run in parallel with lectures upon invitations.
The conference is divided in three periods of three days, and each workshop is held during one of these periods. The spirit of FoCM is that participants are encouraged to come to the whole duration of the conference, and attend talks in different workshops.
Poster sessions are also organized by each workshop. The call for poster submission will begin in early 2023.
N’hésitez pas à signaler un séminaire (avec un lien vers sa page), sa suspension, reprise, etc. par un mail à xavier.dupuis@u-bourgogne.fr.
Séminaire Français d’Optimisation - en ligne
Séminaire Parisien d’Optimisation - IHP
Séminaire Parisien de Théorie des Jeux - IHP
Groupe de Travail Calcul des Variations (GT CalVa)
Séminaire de l’équipe Modélisation Optimisation Dynamique (MOD) -
XLIM (Université de Limoges)
Séminaire de l’équipe Statistique, Probabilités, Optimisation et
Contrôle (SPOC) - IMB (Université de Bourgogne)
Séminaire d’Analyse non linéaire et Optimisation - LMA
(Université d’Avignon)
Séminaire Pluridisciplinaire d’Optimisation de Toulouse
Séminaire BrainPOP d’optimisation sur les polynômes et les
mesures - LAAS (Toulouse)
Fin de la lettre MODE