Lettre MODE, Septembre 2022
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Bonjour à toutes et à tous,
J’ai le plaisir depuis le mois de juin de prendre la responsabilité du groupe MODE après le mandat de Filippo Santambrogio. Je souhaite contribuer à la diffusion et à la visibilité de la discipline de l’optimisation mathématique et continuer les activités menées par le groupe (notamment les journées MODE, la participation du groupe à la mise en place de jurys pour le prix PGMO et le prix Moreau notamment). Un des autres objectifs est de promouvoir la recherche en optimisation ainsi que les activités du groupe MODE en lien avec d’autres disciplines.
Vous trouverez ci-après la lettre du groupe MODE du mois de septembre.
Je vous souhaite une très bonne rentrée.
Térence Bayen
Université d’Avignon
source : Guillaume Carlier
lien : https://economiaefinanza.luiss.it/en/research/post-doc-fellowship/research-grants-2022
Postdoc position (two years) at Luiss University on the topic “Learning in strategic and stochastic environments”.
This project lies at the interface of mathematical game theory, algorithmic game theory, machine learning, optimization, and high-dimensional probability. Despite its theoretical nature, it will be motivated by applications in operations management, supply chain, algorithmic mechanism design, online matching markets, computational social choice, queueing, networks, etc.
Deadline: September 30, 2022 - 2 p.m. - Central European Summer Time (CEST), UTC +2
Details available at https://economiaefinanza.luiss.it/en/research/post-doc-fellowship/research-grants-2022
source : Abderrahim Jourani
The O’Higgins University (http://www.uoh.cl/), Rancagua, Chile, is offering post-doctoral positions in the following domains:
Continuous optimization, Stochastic optimization, Discrete and combinatorial optimization, Bilevel optimization, Algorithm design and analysis, Variational analysis, Non-smooth analysis, Convex analysis, Game Theory, Functional analysis, Operations research and Artificial intelligence and Data Science.
We offer a competitive salary and the possibility of being part of a young group of researchers in optimization: the O2RG group (http://o2rg.cl/)
Interested researchers can email me (emilio.vilches@uoh.cl) for more information about the call.
source : Riccardo Bonalli
lien : https://rbonalli.github.io/SujetPostdoc1ANR.pdf
Postdoc offer in “Learning Methods for Safe-against-Uncertainty Control”, at L2S, Université Paris-Saclay.
One and a half year postdoc position to design learning models which offer rigorous guarantees of reliability for efficient and safe-against-uncertainty control and deployment of autonomous systems in complex settings.
Successful candidates have (or are going to obtain) a PhD in statistical machine learning and/or mathematics (major in, e.g., optimization, probability/statistics, systems and control). Expertise in the topics related to control and stochastic differential equations, as well as coding skills in Julia, Matlab, or Python will constitute valuable perks.
The candidate will work at L2S (Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes) in Gif-sur-Yvette, one of the leading laboratory in systems and control at Université Paris-Saclay. (S)he will be jointly supervised by Dr. Brandon AMOS (New York), Dr. Riccardo BONALLI (L2S, Gif-sur-Yvette), and Dr. Alessandro RUDI (SIERRA, Paris). In addition, a visiting period in Prof. Marco PAVONE’s laboratory at Stanford University can be envisioned to flight test the algorithms on realistic free-flyers.
More information about the position and the application process may be found in the official call: https://rbonalli.github.io/SujetPostdoc1ANR.pdf
source : Victor Magron
lien : https://www.cnrsatcreate.cnrs.fr/descartes/
2nd call to hire 50 Postdocs, 26PhD students, and 20 engineers for the French-Singapore programme DesCartes.
Among them, four positions are co-supervised by Jean-Bernard Lasserre and Victor Magron at LAAS CNRS on the topics of polynomial optimization and deep learning:
Beware: good students currently in Master 1 can apply for the PhD topics!
The Singapore-French programme DesCartes (2021-2026): intelligent modelling for DEciSion making in CriticAl uRban sysTEmS, is looking for: - 50 Postdoctoral fellows (all experiences) for 2 years contracts, as well as - 20 Engineers, with a starting date between October 2021 and October 2024. We are also recruiting - 26 doctoral students from September 2022 (applications to be prepared by December 2021).
Research Fellow – PhD holders [SGD6,000 to SGD7,200]; Research Assistant/ Research Associates – Bachelor Degree/ Master’s Degree [SGD4,000 to SGD6,300]
Particularly, the workpackage on Trustworthy Hybrid Artificial Intelligence is hiring 8 doctoral students and 7 Research Fellows in the following themes: Explanations, Verification and Certification of AI (e.g.: Neural Networks, Reinforcement Learning), Formal Methods, Automated Reasoning (SAT&SMT solvers…), Repair, Healing, System composition Differential privacy, algorithmic fairness, and federated Learning.
More generally, the areas of research of Program DesCartes cover the
following disciplines: AI: learning, optimisation…, Engineering:
analysis and assimilation of data at the heart of physical systems
(hardware, sensors, models, management and decision support), model
reduction, virtual or augmented reality techniques, command and control,
around energy, structures, NDT and SHM, and complex systems. Data
Sciences, Signal Processing, Formal Methods and Trusted AI
(explainability and verification), Human Computer Interaction, Language
Processing, Images, Human Sciences: Philosophy, Law, Communication,
Human-Machine co-creation…
contact: descartes-hiring@cnrsatcreate.sg
In short, the DesCartes programme is developing a hybrid AI, combining Learning, Knowledge and Reasoning, which has good properties(need for less resources and data, security, robustness, fairness, respect for privacy, ethics), and demonstrated on industrial applications of the smart city (digital energy, monitoring of structures, air traffic control). The program brings together 80 permanent researchers (half from France, half from Singapore), with the support of large industrial groups (Thales SG, Edf SG, ESI group, CETIM Matcor, ARIA …). The research will take place mainly in Singapore, at the premises of CNRS@CREATE, with a competitive salary and generous funding for missions.
More information can be found on: https://www.cnrsatcreate.cnrs.fr/descartes/
source : Jean-Baptiste Caillau
lien : https://gdrmoa.math.cnrs.fr/activites-journees-annuelles-2022-du-gdr-moa/
We are pleased to announce the 3-day workshop of the GdR “Mathematics of Optimization and Applications” and the 2-day mini course on “Fast Algorithmic Methods for Optimization and Learning”, which will be held on October 11-14, 2022 at the Parc Valrose, Nice, France.
We are glad to announce our speakers:
We strongly encourage you, or your students, to send an abstract if you are interested to participate to the conference. Please apply to attend before July 18th, 2022 on https://framaforms.org/gdr-moa-2022-pre-registration-1656410586. If you wish to simply attend without talk, the deadline is September 19th, 2022.
There will be no registration fees. However, attendees will have to support their lodging and travel expenses. PhD students presenting their work can apply to financial support.
Please check the website https://gdrmoa.math.cnrs.fr/activites-journees-annuelles-2022-du-gdr-moa/ for more information concerning the venue. For any inquiry, please contact samuel.vaiter@cnrs.fr
Looking forward to seeing you in Nice!
The organizing commitee,
Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Abderrahmane Habbal and Samuel Vaiter
source : Xavier Dupuis
lien : https://www.fondation-hadamard.fr/fr/la-fmjh-soutient/recherche/home/pgmo-days/
The annual meeting of the Gaspard Monge Program for optimization and Operations research and their interactions with data sciences “PGMO days 2022”, which will take place on :
Tuesday November 29th and Wednesday November 30th, 2022, at EDF Lab Paris Saclay.
The PGMO days will celebrate the 10th year anniversary of PGMO. There will be plenary talks as well as invited or contributed sessions on both days, and a special cocktail session on Tuesday evening at Ecole polytechnique to celebrate the anniversary.
The plenary speakers are: - Jérôme Bolte, University of Toulouse 1 Capitole, France - Pierre Cardaliaguet, Paris-Dauphine University, France - Gerard Cornuejols, Carnegie Mellon University, USA - Jacek Gondzio, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK - Ivana Ljubic, ESSEC, France - Claudia Sagastizabal, University of Campinas, Brazil
Abstract Submissions
Submissions on all aspects of optimization and operations research, theoretical or applied, and their interfaces with data sciences, are welcome.
The leaders of PGMO projects are especially encouraged to propose presentations on the topics of their project.
Researchers willing to organize invited sessions should inform the pgmo board for pre-approval and coordination, by writing at the earliest to pgmodays-coordination@fondation-hadamard.fr.
Important dates
Monday 10th, October, deadline of abstract submission, both for contributed and invited talks. Abstracts of one page should be submitted via easychair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=pgmodays2022
End of October, notification of acceptance
Registration will open in October (registration is free of charge but mandatory)
Contact: pgmodays-coordination@fondation-hadamard.fr
More details: https://www.fondation-hadamard.fr/fr/la-fmjh-soutient/recherche/home/pgmo-days/
source : Xavier Dupuis
lien : https://picof22.sciencesconf.org/
source : Xavier Dupuis
lien : https://www.uoh.cl/lawoc2022/
source : Térence Bayen
lien : https://ifors2023.com/
N’hésitez pas à signaler un séminaire (avec un lien vers sa page), sa suspension, reprise, etc. par un mail à xavier.dupuis@u-bourgogne.fr.
Séminaire Français d’Optimisation - en ligne
Séminaire Parisien d’Optimisation - IHP
Séminaire Parisien de Théorie des Jeux - IHP
Groupe de Travail Calcul des Variations (GT CalVa)
Séminaire de l’équipe Modélisation Optimisation Dynamique (MOD) -
XLIM (Université de Limoges)
Séminaire de l’équipe Statistique, Probabilités, Optimisation et
Contrôle (SPOC) - IMB (Université de Bourgogne)
Séminaire d’Analyse non linéaire et Optimisation - LMA
(Université d’Avignon)
Séminaire Pluridisciplinaire d’Optimisation de Toulouse
Séminaire BrainPOP d’optimisation sur les polynômes et les
mesures - LAAS (Toulouse)
source : Xavier Dupuis
lien : https://2022.forum-emploi-maths.com/
Le FORUM EMPLOI MATHS 2022 aura lieu le mardi 11 octobre à la cité des sciences et de l’industrie à Paris.
A cette occasion de nombreuses entreprises viennent à la rencontre de doctorants et doctorantes en mathématiques fondamentales et appliquées.
Booste ton réseau et viens rencontrer ces entreprises : start-ups, PME et grands groupes ! Viens aussi à la rencontre de collègues universitaires ou en institut de recherche.
Des témoignages sur les métiers de maths, 4 tables rondes (Machine Learning et IA, Energie, Images et Santé, Mobilités douces) et des ateliers professionnalisants seront proposés.
Les informations concernant les inscriptions étudiantes viendront en
Inscris toi au FEM et booste ton réseau, ce sera le 11 octobre 2022
source : Xavier Dupuis
lien : https://www.insmi.cnrs.fr/fr/cnrsinfo/les-mathematiques-un-impact-majeur
L’étude d’impact économique des mathématiques, mettant à jour celle de 2015, a été rendue publique sur le site de l’INSMI.
Fin de la lettre MODE